Great-Looking (Non-Holiday) Ambient Decorative Lighting

I actually purchased two boxes of these from a local home improvement center sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas of last year. I purchased them solely as ambient exterior lighting around my home. Since they looked so good I decided to purchase two more boxes; however that store no longer carried them since they were just a seasonal item (they only carry them during the Christmas Holiday season). So I did an internet search and found them here on Amazon. The price was 'right' so I ordered two boxes. They arrived quickly and were just what I had ordered and what I had expected. Like another reviewer had mentioned I too had lost a couple of the lenses which had 'popped off' one night during a freezing snowstorm. Unfortunately because of their crystalline appearance/design I could not find them anywhere. Fortunately I eventually found them both after the snow had melted away. Evidently those two lenses must've become unseated during shipment because after 'snapping' them back into place they have remained in place during subsequent freezing snowfalls. Their illumination is just bright enough for me and I really enjoy their subdued glow (not too bright and not too dull). Best of all since they are LED they hardly consume any power whatsoever and I have 'burned' these bulbs nearly every night for six months now. All remains well...cheers.More detail ...
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